Brain Day: Monday, March 14, 2011 VCU (Commonwealth
Ballroom, Student Commons)
The VCU Biopsychology
program hosted the 5th annual Brain Day Conference in
conjunction with National Brain
Awareness Week. The
conference featured two guest speakers and a poster/demonstration session by the
200 high school student participants. Brain
Day is a unique one-day conference on topics related to the brain and behavior
and is a partnership between VCU Biopsychology Program and Henrico County Public
Schools (HCPS). Attending were AP
Psychology students from Hermitage H.S., Godwin H.S. and the VCU dual-enrollment
students at the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School who take the VCU psychology
course Physiological Psychology (PSYC 401).
This year’s featured speakers were Jill Bettinger, PhD, Assistant
Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, VCU who spoke on “What
Drunk Worms Can Tell Us about Drinking:
the Molecular Neurobiology of Ethanol Response” and Kelly G. Lambert, PhD,
Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, Randolph-Macon College who spoke
on “Prehistoric
Prozac: Lessons From the Trust Fund Rats.”
The student participants presented over 50 posters on various topics
related to the neurobiological basis of behavior such as: depression,
synesthesia, emotions, addiction, taste preferences, visual procession,
attention and the brain and music. Of
special interest were the student demonstrations of neural
firing of cockroach limbs using “Spiker boxes” in
which students can actually hear neuronal firing and visually see it on computer
sine wave programs. The conference
was directed by Joseph H. Porter, PhD and Tim Donahue, graduate student in